Saturday 21 April 2007

Iraq Apr 17 2007


3eeraqimedic said...

Kurdish Engineer
This is possibly the most disturbing image I have seen from Iraq in a long time, the starkness of the images you post is shocking but could you maybe give us a little information on where they are shot?

The Kurdish Man said...


I Would like to thank you for visiting my web blog, you asked for informations about the photos those I publish, sorry for the unavailability of the information on my blog site as I have no time even to upload the photos, not adding informations as well, but my loyalty to my great country forces me to try to do something whatever was small as my blog site and the photos in it, may be someone see them and come back to his conscious and leave killing aside.

3eeraqimedic said...

Kurdish Engineer
I wish you luck in your efforts.
But above all else stay safe.